Tag Archives: main dishes

Tomatoless Italian sauce

My 30-day commitment to a paleo autoimmune diet is complete. And although I haven’t seen dramatic health benefits, Pin It

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A romantic Valentine’s Day dinner: duck breast with balsamic grape sauce

For a romantic Valentine’s Day, why not treat your sweetheart to an out-of-the ordinary home-cooked dinner? Pin It

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Flavorful pesto spaghetti sauce is adaptable to many diets

As I write this I’ve been eating according to an autoimmune protocol (AIP) for a couple of weeks.  Pin It

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A new year, a new challenge

January is the perfect month to try something new. It’s usually quiet after the holiday hubbub, and it’s easier to […]

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Use leftover turkey in a rustic and nutritious soup

How have you been using your Thanksgiving leftovers? A couple of my less successful tries in previous years Pin It

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The heavenly aroma of apples and pork, then and now

Nowadays frozen dinners come in all different shaped and sized containers, but in my younger years they were “TV dinners” […]

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Garden-fresh tomato-almond pesto

If you’re looking for ways to preserve your garden produce, this simple, satisfying, freezable pesto makes use of fresh tomatoes […]

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Tropical marinated flank steak to grill at home or at the campsite

Because friends and family know I love all things related to food, I’m sometimes asked to help with meal planning […]

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Frugal turkey thighs with sage – grilled or oven-roasted

Sometimes you want a dinner that’s easy, elegant, and affordable. Turkey Marietta, with sage, garlic, and salt,is all of these.  […]

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Grilled whole chicken with mustard-date barbecue sauce

Nothing says summer like barbecued chicken on the grill! Pin It

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Mexican soup interpreted for summer: posole salad

When my first CSA (community-supported agriculture) delivery included radishes and oregano, I thought of posole. Pin It

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Dutch oven dinner with lamb, root vegetables, and quince: simple and quite delicious

This simple one-pot dinner has lamb, root vegetables, and quince. Pin It

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