Category Archives: Nutrition Information

A new year, a new challenge

January is the perfect month to try something new. It’s usually quiet after the holiday hubbub, and it’s easier to […]

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Eat your heart out, Ben and Jerry’s! Homemade ‘Chunky Monkey’ ice cream

For years I said no to ice cream because it’s so calorie-dense and so easy to overdo, but lately I […]

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My experience with celiac disease in the house

My husband has celiac disease. What that means in short is that he can’t digest and is actually harmed by […]

Why liquefy good food? And a green smoothie recipe

Until I decided to get serious about weight loss recently, I considered smoothies a waste of good food that would […]

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About sweeteners, and a glazed carrots recipe

Sugar is all around us in foods. It’s hidden in multiple types in processed food to help it taste better […]

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