Home-Pasteurized Eggs
Recipe type: How-To
  • Large pot with pasta insert or steamer insert
  • Candy/oil thermometer
  • 6 to 12 eggs
  1. Place steamer insert or pasta insert in pot. Add eggs. Cover eggs with water plus a few inches. Clip thermometer to the side of the pan, making sure the bulb doesn't touch the metal of the pan. Heat the pot on lowest burner using the lowest possible temperature.
  2. Watch carefully so the temperature doesn't go above 140ºF or 60ºC. You may need to turn up the heat, but do so in very small increments. When temperature reaches 140ºF or 60ºC, hold at that temperature for at least 5 minutes and up to 1 hour.
  3. Remove eggs from pot and place in a bowl of cool water. When eggs are no longer hot, drain and place them back into the carton. With a marker put a “P” on each so you don’t forget they’re pasteurized. Refrigerate.
  4. Use in recipes that call for raw eggs, or use them as you would any eggs. The whites might be slightly milky.
Recipe by Eileen’s Everyone Eats Right™ at https://everyoneeatsright.com/2014/05/21/pasteurized-eggs-instructions/